
B.C. PENAL PRESS traveling exhibit

As part of this project, a vibrant and engaging 3-D educational tool about the penal press in British Columbia was designed and created by Sacha Alfonzo Villafuerte and Melissa Munn. It provides a brief history of the penal press and its production and highlights key issues and people involved with its creation and preservation.
The B.C. Penal Press exhibit consists of 6-8 interlocking corrugated plastic panels completed with one base, and two header pieces. The display measures 56cm x 56 cm x 153-200cm.
Its innovative design allows for 360-degree viewing and is easily assembled and disassembled allowing for easy transport and shipping.
This display is available for loan, at no cost, to any institution or library in British Columbia. For more information, contact Prof. Melissa Munn at 250-545-7291 ext. 2222 or mmunn@okanagan.bc.ca.